Peter Forster is a multifaceted musician from New Zealand, who has been making Sweden his home for the past seven years.

His wide interest in music as a healing and transformational force have led him to the ancient art of overtone singing (singing two notes at once as practised in Mongolia and Tibet).

His interests cover the spectrum of music composition, recording using a variety of instruments to instrument making.

He crafts one of a kind acoustic guitars, individually styled Native American pattern wood flutes to suit the owner, and has even built a harp.

Peter has released three CD's:

  • 'Sadhana' is gentle instrumental music in twelve parts for use with Reiki or simple relaxation. He also records Nature sounds, that combine with the harmonious music to create beautiful soundscapes.

  • 'Homecoming' is also music for Reiki, combining Nature sounds and acoustic instruments.

  • 'Don't Wait' is a CD of Acoustic songs writen from the heart.

Peter also leads Workshops in discovering the natural voice, overtone singing and chanting. You will find more details on all of the above on Peters website:

Photo: Lennart Hallström  ©   Copyright 2003 JORDTON